The Programs
Here the focus is getting overall much stronger, building lean and strong muscles. Not much cardio in this programming. It would help if you know your 1 rep max in some of the main powerlifting lifts but it´s not necessary. Then the programming is built on % of your max weights.. It´s fitting for anyone regardless of the body strength at the beginning. There are 3 workouts per week in this program. We use the back squats, bench presses and Deadlifts a lot, along with many other accessory work and dumbbell exercises. If you love lifting, this is your program!
Þetta æfingaplan inniheldur mikið af æfingum með eigin líkamsþyngd, einhverjum lóðum, ketilbjöllum og aukahlutum. Viðkomandi þyrfti að hafa aðgang að líkamsrækt og geta notað öll úthaldstæki sem þar eru í boði eins og hlaupabretti, róðravél, hjól og þess háttar. Unnið er með lotur og og tímastilltar æfingar, interval æfingar sem auka þol og brenna fitu. Að auki eykst styrkur og vöðvar eru fljótir að taka við sér. Skemmtilegt og fjölbreytt prógram í anda crossfit kerfis sem allir ættu að geta gert á sínum forsendum.
First, we build some muscle and then increase your metabolism. This program will have some challenging weightlifting with barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells. I want to build strength along with increasing your cardio vascular system. Each workout day has a good warmup, some strength training with barbells or dumbbells and then it ends with some good interval cardio training. There are 3 workouts per week in this program. This one is perfect for you if you love lifting but also want to pump your lungs.
A powerful home workout that will make you sweat! The workouts are all Intervals and time framed and mostly bodyweight exercises. You really don’t need anything here but a timer. If you have a miniband, any dumbbells or an elastic band, that might come in handy, but not necessary. Every exercise takes about 40 minutes. Just hit it hard and safe time. You get a lot out of this training and great results. If you have a busy schedule and limited time in your life, this is the one for you! The program has 3 workouts per week.